Specialised Disability Accommodation
Extraordinary Positive Cash-flow Property Investment Opportunities. Earn well over 10% Net Return. The NDIS will pay up to 20% higher rent in regional areas.

Simple to Invest
Typical Specialised Disability Accommodation Investment is $600,000 to $750,000 and above. Property is managed by a licensed provider, including the sourcing of participants.
High Return On Investment
Specialised Disability Accommodation (SDA) Approved participants receive funds from the NDIA in which they use to pay your rent. The funded rental amount supports an above average return.
The Design
These homes are designed to provide an enhanced level of care, therefore offering a higher return. he NDIS will pay up to 20% higher rent in regional areas.
What is NDIS?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a government initiative to help promote housing for people with disabilities from grants-based funding to a market-based system where people with disabilities control their own funding. Properties Enrolled as Specialist Disability Accommodation with the NDIS are eligible to have the rent paid by the NDIS for eligible participants offering well above average returns. The Property is managed by a licenced provider, including the sourcing of participants. Each property is different, catering to the demographic of different locations & participant needs. Furnishing is factored in. Participants/NDIS pay normal household costs & utilities.
Is it Difficult?
An NDIS investment does pose certain challenges with regards to compliance. To ensure that compliance is met is the cornerstone of My Property Shop’s ethos. Having experience within the industry with NDIS provides the team with the ability to navigate the complex NDIS requirements. With the added complexity also come added reward. This investment opportunity not only provides heightened value to the participants that can finally have a home suited to their needs, but offers a high rental yield for the investor as well.
How Does the Government Funding Work?
When purchasing a NDIS investment, the property will be constructed with a select type of participant in mind. This ensures that the home is constructed with all the necessary features, and dependent on the property type and the participants will determine the government payment amount. The more comprehensive the property, the more likely it is to attract the high need tenets and therefore a larger government income. The federal government has set aside $700 million for the NDIS scheme and is currently severely underutilised. This provides a market with minimal competition for investors.
Is It a Secure Investment?
An NDIS investment is not only secure but has the potential to provide amazing returns on capital. The care providers have expressed the lack of suitable properties for participants, showcasing the heightened demand for this type of investment product in select locations. This demand also sees participant longevity and a decrease in participant turnover. When a home is provided that is suitable, participants acclimatize to the home and have no interest in leaving. This ensures for our investors a secure rental income and therefore mitigates risk of untenanted properties.