My Property Shop Australia matches you with the best properties for a maximum return.

Suitable For All Investors

Never miss an opportunity. Our point of difference is the understanding of your needs, requirements and budget.

Excellent Communication

With astute investment opportunities, real-estate product moves quickly… and so do we. We pride ourselves on being lightning fast with communication and response.

Industry Experience

With the lead consultants having over 40 years in the real-estate and development industry, we have the knowledge to procure investments with ease.

Growth Locations

We constantly monitor the market ensuring we invest in the locations with maximum growth. Some of the regions where we hold our most prolific investment opportunities.

Sunshine Coast
Sunshine Coast

The Sunshine Coast has surged forward on a wave of one-in-a- lifetime major urban infrastructure investment. Already delivering dividends from billions of dollars in capital expenditure and the creation of thousands of jobs, the timing is right and astute investors are poised to reap extraordinary rewards.

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Property Types

Dependent on budget, we offer an investment avenue that fits your profile and risk palette. Take a look at the range of property types on offer…

SDA Homes
SDA Homes

NDIS Supported

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